The Women’s Ministry advances the overall mission of Southern Lakes Church to “Love God, Love People, and Make Disciples.” Our purpose is to help women grow in their faith and understand their identity in Christ, to equip them to reach and disciple others for Christ, to supply opportunities for expression of their gifts, and to provide a safe place to be validated, understood and comforted.

There are several women's events throughout the year! Here are a few dates you may want to mark on your calendar.


February 1st – 2 Craft Classes offered

March 15th – Ladies’ Tea Party

October 10th – Relax & Unwind

* Tentative/TBD: Christmas Fireside Event

To see what's coming up soon, events can be found on the SLC Calendar and our Events Page! We'd also love for you to join our group on Facebook. For additional questions about our Women’s Ministry at SLC, contact Dawn Brummel at womensministry@slefc.org


A ministry for all moms! From 9-10:30am (1st and 3rd Thursdays throughout the school year) moms are invited to come and connect with other moms and be encouraged in whatever season you’re at. This group tackles a number of different topics combining our faith and the realities of being a mom. There is also incredible kids programming offered for preschoolers (0-5 yrs)! We'd love for you to join our group on Facebook. For additional questions or updates about momsgroup, contact Carol Westendorf at sojmom@gmail.com

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