Nearly 40 years ago a small group of committed Believers began praying and dreaming about starting a new church in the heart of Walworth County. In the Fall of 1985, this group took a huge step of faith and began Southern Lakes Evangelical Free Church. In 1999 about 35 people stepped out in faith to build a permanent home for the church. Services began in the new building on Easter of 2000. These defining moments set the stage for even greater things.
A lot has happened since then. God has blessed the church with growth and the mission continues—Loving God, Loving People, and Making Disciples. Lives are still being changed, families are still being blessed, and the community (near and far) is being impacted with the gospel.
Right now, Southern Lakes Church is in a good place. We have mission clarity, steady growth with young families and lots of kids, a facility that is paid for, and so much more. It would be easy in this season to coast. But is that what God would have us to do? No! I believe this is another defining moment when God is leading us to take a bold step of faith. Instead of settling into a comfort zone we want to be like the Early Church.
“And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness.” Acts 4:31
Marriages and Families are under attack as never before; and the enemy of our souls and homes is not resting. In this season God is setting before us an opportunity to fight for families and do something bold enough to transform our church and community. I hope you will join us on this BOLD Journey.