Serving is an integral part of being a Christ follower. Serving shows your heart and love for your neighbor, just as Jesus commands. Our love for Jesus should be seen through serving others and serving the church.
You can serve at your church, in the the local community and around the world.
God has given each of us different skills and talents to build up His kingdom. Serving at SLC can be a once a month commitment or giving of your time throughout the month. We also like to share the idea of "serving one and attending one." For example: you could serve during the first service and attend the second service. Serving and attending worship services are equally important and vital to our Christian walk.
If you want to know more about opportunities to serve here at Southern Lakes Church, contact the church office at
or 262-742-2366. They can help you find a place to serve that will be a good fit for you
and a blessing to others!